Friday, 25 September 2015

House, for a place to stay.


Huuuu memang dah diketahui, rumah rumah di London-Cambridge-Oxford adalah mahal belaka. Berpatutan la dengan duit scholar yang diberi kerajaan. Terima kasih kerajaan! (tapi sebenarnya kesempitan juga) jadi catuan perlu dilakukan hihihi supaya boleh berjalan jalan explore negara dan culture orang alang alang dah duduk di sini. 
(Apakahhh pernah terbaca di Facebook ada orang complain kenapa students oversea banyak jalan padahal students yang study di Malaysia duduk dalam negeri sahaja, ohoii topic ini akan diulas di dalam post akan datang) hehe mood tengah semangat update blog.... tak tahu la berapa lama bertahan. Takde orang baca tak apa, sekadar untuk archive sendiri :smiley:

Sebelum sampai sini, Fendi busy cari rumah sorang sorang guna University's Accommodation Service, which I found this really hopeful. UKM ada ke yea? Mungkin ada kot Fateen je tak tahu hihihi. Fendi kena cari sorang sebab Fateen masa ni tengah bekejar kejaran nak habiskan eksperimen. Sorry, Di (Di is what I called my husband, or sometimes Saiful.. no abang abang :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) ! 

And Fendi, being loving and thoughtful as he always has, carefully selecting the criteria of the house based on what I desire. Toilet bersih, ada taman.. "kecik pun tak apa.. I just nak hijau hijau" I said. Well the most house that we looked for that time either is too far from Fendi's lab, kena masuk immediately or unfurnished. We ended up with the current house, without the owner putting up images of the house BUT stated as fully-furnished and is quite near to the lab, about 15 mins walk (Hooray!). We redho like that. So Fendi emailed the landlady and the previous tenant asking for photos. From the photos, the house looks so gloomy and (quite) bersepah that time 'cause the previous tenant pun tengah kemas-kemas nak balik Portugal for good. Was it Portugal? Can't remember. Mood redho lagi and we just seal the deal with the landlady and bank-in the deposits (don't even ask the price). Dah tenang rumah dah dapat, now we gelabah for the Visas, Passports and all the IELTS test that my Husband has to complete. 

The moment of truth. The minute we stepped into our rented house, I was surprised. The house was so so so clean (The nice landlady asked someone to clean the house before we arrived, thanks Jenny!) and slightly bigger and spacious than what I have imagined - nak tinggal dua orang je pun hehe. I quickly checked the entire house and I am definitely happy with it! Two bedrooms + 1 study room, only 1 bathroom, kitchen with its little pantry :cupid::cupid: and not to forget, a taman that I have always dreamed of... only bigger! hehe Alhamdulillah! Thank you so much Allah! To this point, I think most of my little prayers were granted by Allah *teary eyes*. Come to think of it too, this IS our very first house together as a married couple, I suddenly get emotional as I typed this. So much rezeki that Allah has showered us. Syukur syukur. 

This is our house that we can call home I took from the Google Maps hehe.
Yeap dua ketul basikal tu adalah milik Husband dan Fateen. Bahaya gak Google Maps ni hehe

Gambar Hari Raya at the back of our house.

What I like most about our house, is its lawn/backyard. aaand the dining table and kitchen menghadap lawn. :two_hearts::two_hearts:
Price memang mahal but one thing though, NEVER. CONVERT. MALAYSIAN RINGGIT TO GREAT BRITAIN POUNDS. I can't emphasize this enough. If you ever convert, you would not even think of studying abroad. You will not even have the heart to buy food to survive. So do not ever. Is it our fault the the currency is doing so bad these days? No! *in denial* hahaha. 

Aih, some things we can be a little stingy. But come on, this is a house, man, THE place for you and family to stay. Right? It is a place where you can call home - to clean, to eat, to sleep, to pray, to study, to receive guests and entertain them, to grow your own family. So don't berkira much. When everyone is happy, happy thoughts will come and eventually, no stress! Usaha dan doa moga-moga Allah murahkan rezeki yang berkat. Aamiin. 

P/S: I really hope we can find a house something like this when in Malaysia. *being hopeful*


  1. setuju...kalau kita convert memang sampai ke sudah pun kita takkan keluar dr malaysia hahaha...nanti nak singgah la rumah fateen ni (bila ntah tu huhu)...

    1. Kak Nilam !!! Jemput datang plssss! Fateen jagekan mek fatimah dengan YB umar
      :D :D Tapi tahun depan la yeaa? Fateen nak balik Malaysia tercinta nak setelkan tesis hehe
