Assalamualaikum and Hello dear ones!
Haha! I found this very funny. I can't believe myself having a blog.
Even deciding on the blog's layout and design have been quite a load for me (LOL!),
what more thinking of its content.
Buttttttt, I love love love reading people's blog. I remembered my own sister having one,
(I still can't believe she has one to be honest, haha!),
I love reading Kak Nilam's blog (Hi Kak Nilam! :)), I love Nurul's layout (and Hi Nurul! hehe), of course, the witty Vivy Yusof's blog.
After few blog reviewing (duh, that's what Science had did to me), I finally came up with a simple and not-so-fancy layout.
Go on, go ahead and judge me. Haha.
So, what is the purpose of having a blog? Come on, mana boleh saja saja. Must have at leastttt a purpose.
Admitting it, I have the time since now that I am a full-time housewife. I think blogging will be one of my hobby from now on (let's hope I'll be committed and constant with this and not stop in the middle of the way!).
This blog will mainly be the platform of me sharing my day-to-day routine (#takcukupkeFacebookdanInstagram?!!) or new personal experiences that I'll encounter, be it in cooking, traveling, being a wife or even probably my journey of trying to conceive (insyaAllah!).
Hopefully the blog archive that I'm about to build will help me (in a way) to become a better person in future. InsyaAllah.
Well I guess that's it for my 1st blog post. Stay tuned for more (meaningful) updatesss!
Till' then ladies and gents,
Fateen, F.I.
Hye fateen. selamat berblog. sila update selalu. so that akak ada bahan bacaan selingan selain baca buku pasal waste. hehe. updatelah pasal apa-apa akk akan baca. ececece.. :)